Tone Kikelj

Bosnian Children in Slovenia (1945-1951) - Pg. 261

One of the essential components of post-war rehabilitation was the issue of war orphans and socially disadvantaged children. This problem has been most acute in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Slovenia itself had close to 30,000 socially endangered children and 13,000 children in need of home care, but nevertheless selflessly came to the aid of the fraternal republic and in the winter of 1945/46 accepted more than 4,300 Bosnian children placed in Slovene families. Although there were a few cases of exploitation of children by Slovenian foster parents, in most cases permanent ties were established between foster parents and foster children. In 1946, conditions were created in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the return of most of the colonized children, while in Slovenia only those who were in home care and were in school remained. This story is relatively unknown and is slowly sinking into oblivion.

Vida Miloševič

The Relationship Between the Administrative Procedure and the Advisory Approach in our Practice of Social Work Centers - Pg. 273

The discussion addresses the question of whether the administrative procedure and advisory work in the Center of Social Work are incompatible or complementary. The counseling approach is an essential feature and integral component of professional social work with an individual and a group. However, it became established in our practice later as an administrative procedure due to initial underdevelopment methods of social work, theories of socio-economic automatism, the gap between theory and practice in social work, resistance to the introduction of work with the individual according to Western models, poor professional identity of social workers and inadequate education. The introduction of counseling has led to conflicts between skilled social workers and others and the elitism of these workers. The analysis shows that most of the principles of administrative procedure and advisory work are complementary. Which approach we will use in a given case depends on the analysis of the social problem: as a rule, real problems are solved by administrative procedure, and personal problems by counseling. The working procedure in the method of social work with an individual is described.

Majda Sečen

Dealing with Alcoholics before Treatment and Preparation for Treatment - Pg. 288

In their daily work, the social service meets people in need, often dependent on alcohol intoxication. First and foremost, we need to put their high expectations of us on real ground: we cannot prosecute or punish an alcoholic, but we can suggest a solution for a satisfying life together in the future in appropriate forms of family group arrangement. However, it is the partners who will have to invest the most, at least in the beginning, in stopping the games and changing their lifestyle. When there is no further editing, data collection, writing reports, etc. can only stigmatize people. In many cases, when individuals in need turn to us for help, it is too late for radical changes in life, and only individual forms of social protection assistance come into play.

Marjana Zupan, Janja Zupančič

Opinions of Spouses on the Attempt at Conciliation - Pg. 294

The results of standardized interviews with spouses who participated in an attempt at conciliation at Center of Social Work Ljubljana Šiška (1984/85) are presented. Out of 170 cases where both spouses participated in the legal attempt, a 25% sample was selected (n = 40 attempts or 80 persons) and 35 persons (44%) answered from this sample. The socio-demographic characteristics of the sample, the characteristics of the marriage, the characteristics of the course of the attempt at conciliation (AC), the attitudes towards the AC and the results of the agreements at the AC are presented. The answers are inconsistent and even contradictory, as the prevailing view is that the AC is a redundant formality, but most would still attend it today, even if it were not mandatory. Respondents who did not divorce or who divorced amicably rate the AC more favorably than those who divorced with a lawsuit. The spouses seem to be poorly acquainted with the purpose of the AC and with the possibilities of counseling. Many consider the AC to be a late form of aid.


Anica Kos

The Difference of Children in our Primary School - Pg. 319

Blaž Mesec, Ida Hojnik

Third Gerontological Congress of Yugoslavia - Pg. 322

Vito Flaker

School of Social Work Action Camp in Vanganel - Pg. 328


Blaž Studen

The Proceeding of Social Work in the Process of Treatment of Alcoholics - Pg. 84


Anica Kos

Psychosocial Disorders in Childhood and their Social, Societal and Cultural Components - Pg. 88

Areas of expertise dealing with the child's psychosocial development and developmental disorders are paying increasing attention to social, societal and cultural factors important for the development, maintenance and prevention of disorders. Such an orientation is the result of epidemiological research on the relationship between social factors and morbidity, including morbidity of the nervous system, mental retardation, delinquency, etc. and research into the link between these disturbances and ecological factors. The influence of educational, health and other institutions on psychosocial disorders and the effects of work in specialized institutions for the protection of mental health are discussed. The ecosocial orientation, the concept of the child's living space and the strategy of community work are discussed in more detail.

Tone Strojin

Use of Free Time as a Distinguishing Mark of Human Identity - Pg. 103

Human activity in leisure time is an external sign of the identity of an individual and a group, even a nation. These activities reveal a person's temperament, diligence and cultivation, which is important from a therapeutic point of view. Personality traits in leisure time can be learned inductively and deductively. Leisure is an element of social security, leads to overcoming alienation and engaging in socially beneficial activities, is a preventive measure. The social purpose of leisure would be achieved if all people had equal opportunities to engage in individual activities and if they were equally accessible to all.

Franc Tihole

Alcoholism, Family and Some Promising Methods of Treatment - Pg. 107

The basic thoughts of J. Rugelj from the article "Where to go with a million alcoholics" (Delo 2.3.1985) are summarized and the views of some first-year students of the College of Social Workers in Ljubljana on these thoughts are stated. These views are then analyzed. The relationships in marriage that, in the writer’s opinion, lead to alcoholism are described. Logotherapy (Frankl) and transactional analysis (Berne) are offered as a promising method of treatment. The writer advocates a more realistic attitude towards alcoholics, that is, "helping a person in need with love, kindness, understanding, indulgence, and encouragement" and rejects "therapeutic nihilism fueled by authoritarian distrust of man."

Blaž Studen

What We Need to Know About Alcoholism - Pg. 116

There are 24 items that contain basic information about what alcoholism is, how alcohol works, what is the social harm caused by alcoholism, who is an alcoholic, how alcoholism is treated by a complex sociopsychiatric method.


Blaž Mesec

How to Encourage Analytical and Research Work in Social Institutions - Pg. 121

Mara Ovsenik

Seminar for Professionals of Other Profiles at the School of Social Work Ljubljana - Pg. 125


Blaž Mesec

Against Age Prejudices; Robert Kastenbaum, Staranje. Življenjska obdobja. Pomurska založba, Centralni zavod za napredek gospodinjstva, Ljubljana 1985 - Pg. 130


(Povzela/Summarized by) Irena Ivanuša

The Importance of Psychosocial Climate for Voluntary Work; Paul J. Ilsley, John A. Niemi: Recruiting and Training Volunteers, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York - Pg. 133

(Pripravila/Prepared by) Lidija Kunič

Introduction of Automatic Data Processing in Social Services; Terry E. Carrillio, Judith Kasse, and Anthony H, Moretto, Management Information systems: Who is in Charge? Social Casework 66, 1985, vol. 7, pg. 416-423. - Pg. 144

(Pripravila/Prepared by) Lidija Kunič

Thinking Differently about Juvenile Delinquency; John Pratt, Juvenile justice, social work and social control. The need for positive thinking. British Journal of Social Work 15, 1985, vol. 1, pg. 1-24. - Pg. 148


Signal Information About Foreign Periodicals - Pg. 151


Slovene - Pg. 171


Uredništvo / Editors

Dear Readers - Pg. 4

Dear readers, with this issue our newspaper enters its twenty-fifth year. We marked this fact appropriately modestly by improving its appearance. As for the content, this number is a bit more solemn. At the end of November 1985, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the College for Social Workers, a Yugoslav conference on voluntary work in social activities was held at Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana. From the extensive material on this conference, at which the basic paper of dr. Berislav Sefer was presented, we publish two of co-essays, which, due to their weight, attracted the attention of the participants. In addition, we publish all reports of discussions in sections and behind round tables. These reports have not been reproduced so far and have not been read by the participants in the consultation. Let us take this opportunity to invite you, dear readers, to participate. Write about your professional work, the dilemmas, and your experiences. Only with your participation our newspaper can really become a professional newsletter for social workers, a factor in developing the science of social work and an assistant in practical work.


Tilka Blaha

The Role of Socialist Alliance of Working People in Promoting Voluntary Work and Encouraging Citizens' Initiatives - Pg. 5

For SAWP, volunteering is not new, as the principle of the connection between professional and voluntary work is in the design of all social activities. This is the purpose of socializing these activities, so SAWP has encouraged the development of volunteer work and will continue to focus on strengthening humanitarian relations between people, developing direct human care and neighborhood assistance through various forms of volunteer work. Voluntary work is included in the design of frontline and mass operations of SAWP, which will have to further develop various forms of direct engagement of people. For development of voluntary work social organizations and society are particularly important. SAWP will need to be further developed as an open, broad front and a mass organization of people for people.

Miroslav Ružica, Pavla Rapoša Tajnšek, Maja Vojnovič

Voluntary Work and Other Forms of (Self-) Organizing People as an Integral Part of Social Policy - Pg. 17


Maja Vojnovič

Volunteering as an Essential Component of Achieving Social Goals - Pg. 44

Anica Kos

Exercising Voluntary Work in Social Institutions - Pg. 51

Dragica Šeško

Direct Cooperation and Mutual Assistance of Workers in Organizations of Associated Labour - Pg. 53

Pavla Rapoša Tajnšek

Organization of Volunteer Work in the Local Community - Pg. 56

Vito Flaker

Youth Volunteering - Pg. 60

Primož Hainz

The Role of Social Organizations and Associations in Developing and Promoting Volunteer Work - Pg. 62

Radmila Grozdanič

Volunteer Work and Sections of Socialist Alliance of Working People - Pg. 65

Blaž Mesec

Theoretical Concepts of Voluntary Work in Achieving Social Goals - Pg. 68

Marjan Gantar

Social Work with Temporary Workers Working Abroad - Pg. 72


Blaž Mesec

Vito Flaker, Zoran Pavlovič, Mladinske delovne akcije med krizo in perspektivo (Youth Work Actions between Crisis and Perspective) - Pg. 74


Delo z otroki v parih, Bonnie A.Mervis: The use of peer-pairing in child psychotherapy. Social Work, 30, 1985, vol.2 - Pg. 77