Jana Mali, Vesna Leskošek

On developing the education for social work at the 100th anniversary of the University of Ljubljana - Pg. 179 - 180


Ana Marija Sobočan

Professional identity and ethics in social work as seen in the publications in Socialno delo journal - Pg. 181 - 192Keywords: history of social work, ethical principles, code of ethics, social work education, values

To uncover how do papers, published in the scientific journal Socialno delo [Social work] (or its predecessors) cover the topic of ethics, as well as social work professional identity, a number of texts, published between 1972 and 2018 is discussed. By doing this, it sheds light on the themes and orientations, which have – by publication in the journal – contributed to the theoretical, interpretative grounds and views on ethics and social work identity in Slovenia. This grounds are definitely relevant for the understandings and legitimations of what is social work in Slovenia, what are its goals, values, authority, limitations, etc., so it would be reasonable to ponder and publish even more on ethics and professional identity than until now.

Liljana Rihter

An overview of research activities in the context of social work education in Slovenia - Pg. 193 - 206Keywords: social protection, social policy, Faculty of Social Work, research topics, study programme, financing

Research in connection with social work education in Slovenia has been in existence for fifty years. During that period, over 170 research and development projects have been carried out that have significantly (co)influenced the development of social work practice and theory and social work education. The guidelines and global standards for social work education give great importance to research. An analysis of the research and development work (themes, purposes, populations, funding) performed since 1969 shows that we (social work educational institution) follow these guidelines. In addition to the basic purpose – to develop the practice and theory of social work – we have also been engaged in broader social and political topics (social protection and social policy) and the social status of populations who use social welfare services. The research findings enabled the development of study contents and the adaptation of social work studies to the current situation in society. In the prevailing period of neo-liberalism, scientific research and reflection on the social context are urgently needed, which is often hindered by the predominant way of financing research activity on the basis of the set topics decided by decision-makers, which does not necessarily coincide with the perceived needs or interests of researchers.

Barbara Kresal

The establishement of the International Labour Organisation in 1919: Hundred years of the organised regulation of labour rights at the international level - Pg. 207 - 217Keywords: labour law, social justice, decent work, working time

The contribution analyses the establishment of the International Labour Organisation in 1919, which formed a part of the Versailles Peace Treaty, and the development of this international organisation during its 100 years of existence. The role of labour rights and its regualtion at the international level as well as the role of the International Labour Organisation in this respect is discussed. The development of the regulation of working time in the light of the relevant International Labour Organisation's conventions is taken as an example. The contribution compares the situation in the world of work as it was 100 years ago and as it is today. Social justice and decent work are still the declared, but not achieved goals of the International Labour Organisation.

Jana Mali

Social work in interdisciplinary research: The case of researching social dimensions of dementia - Pg. 219 - 233Keywords: destigmatisation, user\'s perspective, care, carers, living environment, geronthology

Researching the social dimensions of dementia has had an international tradition of over thirty years, but has been present in Slovenia only in recent two decades. Nevertheless, we have been following research trends from the very beginning, since we are introducing a user perspective into research, which is the central conceptual guide of social work. For the past four years, we have focused our research on dementia in interdisciplinary projects. The purpose and objectives of the three interdisciplinary research studies and their results are outlined in the paper. We supplemented social work knowledge with various sciences, i.e. the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. On the one hand, the knowledge and concepts of social work with people with dementia in these studies were tested and supplemented, but on the other hand, we maintained a users’ perspective with the advocacy attitude towards people with dementia and tested its use in the participating sciences. Interdisciplinary research into dementia has proven to be an area of new knowledge for dealing with, and for, people with dementia.

Milko Poštrak

Social work with vulnerable youngsters in their leisure time in Slovenia in 1975–1990 - Pg. 235 - 254Keywords: youth, subcultures, social work, life style, prevention

Concepts, theories and definitions of the analytical concept of leisure are reviewed. The author connects free time with concepts and theories developed in the field of youth culture or subculture studies. These are attempts to resolve the collectively perceived contradictions of the daily lives of youngsters. These attempts at resolving, responding to the hardships and problems in the life world of vulnerable youngsters are also a signal and sign that something is happening in their life world. Knowledge and findings from the field of leisure and youth subcultures are then used as a starting point in the context of social work with vulnerable youngsters. The leisure time and life strategies developed by vulnerable youngsters within it are a place and an opportunity where we can make contact and establish a social work wor-king relationship with vulnerable youngsters. In the second part of the paper, a specific seg-ment of the activities of professionals from the 1970s to the 1990s from High School of Soci-al Workers in Ljubljana in the field of youth leisure activities, is summerised. These approaches were based on the experience of theoretical and conceptual shifts and new con-siderations in social sciences, also as a result of social movements and social change in ge-neral in the second half of the 1960s.

Petra Videmšek, Tadeja Kodele

Users' perspective in practical training at the Faculty of Social Work - Pg. 255 - 269Keywords: practicum, practical training, mentors, curriculum, social inclusion, experiential learning

In the last decade, the Faculty for Social Work, University of Ljubljana, reformed students’ placement in order to ensure that they are better equipped with practical knowledge needed for becoming competent social workers. Basic changes that were made in practical placement are outlined as well as the role that experts-by-experience have played in this process. How experts-by-experience experienced their bigger role in the evaluation of students’ competency in placement is shown. The authors claim that experts-by-experience are the best teachers and that their perspective can support students to become more competent social workers. They also consider the meaning of users’ perspective and address why it is central to social work. Based on the theoretical belief that emphasises the importance of involving experts-by-experience in all aspects of social work education, they highlight why it is important for the perspective of experts-by-experience to be represented in practice placement and how it can contribute to the personal and professional development of students at the Faculty of Social Work.


Blaž Mesec

If we miss them, we lost our way - Pg. 271 - 292


Breakthrough of the social - Dubrovnik Manifesto 2019 - Pg. 293 - 296


Vesna Leskošek

Interview with Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič - Pg. 297 - 301

Borut Petrović Jesenovec

Interview with Bogdan Lešnik - Pg. 303 - 306


Klavdija Kustec

Jana Mali, Vida Miloševič Arnold (eds.) (2011): Demenca: Izziv za socialno delo (2nd edition) - Pg. 307 - 309

Anamarija Kejžar

Jana Mali, Nina Mešl, Liljana Rihter (2011): Socialno delo z osebami z demenco - raziskovanje potreb oseb z demenco in odgovorov nanje - Pg. 311 - 315

Gašper Krstulović

Petra Videmšek (2013): Iz institucij v skupnost - stanovanjske skupine nevladnih organizacij na področju duševnega zdravja - Pg. 317 - 319

Anže Jurček

Vera Grebenc, Amra Šabič (2013): Ljubljanske zgodbe - biografije navadnih ljudi - Pg. 321 - 323

Milko Poštrak

Lea Šugman Bohinc (ed.) (2011): Učenci z učnimi težavami - izvirni delovni projekt pomoči - Pg. 325 - 327

Mojca Urek

Simona Gerenčer Pegan (2017): Ljudje z gluhoslepoto v Sloveniji - Pg. 329 - 331

Julija Sardelić

Špela Urh (ed.) (2012): Država želi, da ostanemo cigani! - teoretske refleksije in prakse izkljuečvanja/vključevanja Romov v Sloveniji - Pg. 333 - 334


Karina Schlingensiepen-Trint

Citizenship, democracy and social work: an exploration toward a direct link - Pg. 95 - 111Keywords: social rights, welfare state, citizen, social policy, social conditions

In democratic constitutional states there is a gap between social inequalities as a result of capitalist societies and the status of free and equal citizens guaranteed by the constitution. This paper argues that social work, by “mediating” between the individual and society, is not only confronted with this gap. It can be shown that there is a direct link between social work, democracy and citizenship. The following hypotheses are laid out. (1) Social rights are the necessary condition for realizing the status of a free and equal active citizen. Social rights are necessary in order to achieve democratic conditions. (2) Taking into account the fact that rights are meaningless if there are no social conditions available for the individual to realize them, this paper argues that social rights implemented and guaranteed by a welfare state are needed but not sufficient. (3) The author points out that social work is crucial for the individual to really make use of his or her status as an equal free citizen and therefore for realizing democratic conditions. The paper ends with some consequences that arise from this theoretical consideration.

Anže Jurček

Contribution of social work in health care services in Slovenia - Pg. 113 - 124Keywords: health care, patient treatment, multidisciplinary team, methods, health security, social workers

The article is a result of research and study of the selected field of social work in Slovenian healthcare, the work of Social work section in the healthcare field and the specific contribution to the multidisciplinary treatment of patients. The results of empirical qualitative research show narrations of six interviewees who present the methods and elements of social work profession used in the treatment of patients, use of specialized language and the associated integrity of the profession in the healthcare field, acknowledgment and recognition of social work profession and also the cooperative work with patients, their families and healthcare professionals in the process of treatment. The results address the status of the Social work section in healthcare and challenge the unsettled standards and norms of social work in healthcare, undefined and uncoordinated services, unresolved internships and traineeships in this field, undefined role and importance of the profession in laws and other general acts, undeveloped education and the lack of research work.

Ana Štambuk

Widowhood and grieving in old age - Pg. 125 - 144Keywords: loss, social gerontology, social support, bereavement, loneliness, death

Characteristics of widowhood in old age and different reactions to loss are investigated in the first part. In the second part, theoretical approaches to grief are examined. In the process of grieving, the complexity and individuality of each individual are important, and professionals working with the elderly and their family members should recognise the signs of grief and take into account all factors related to the grieving process. Although adaptation to the death of a spouse in old age is considered one of the natural stages of life, it is emphasised that the loss of a spouse is one of life’s greatest stressors. The consequences of widowhood are discussed, as well as differences in adaptation between men and women, which must be understood if adequate assistance and support is to be provided. Finally, strategies for coping with loneliness as a consequence of widowhood are suggested. The conclusion underlines the importance of social support to all the elderly in bereavement (particularly to those who are severely ill, without family or on a low income and to men) as well as the need to create a social climate in which grieving persons are recognised and accepted in their new role, for which they need time to adapt.


Tamara Rape Žiberna, Aleš Žnidar, Janko Cafuta, Vito Flaker

Reorganisation of centres of social work: what is actually going on? - Pg. 145 - 154


Klavdija Gorjup

My personal experience of learning social work - Pg. 155 - 160


Juš Škraban

Jasna Russo, Angela Sweeney (eds) (2016): Searching for a rose garden: challenging psychiatry, fostering mad studies - Pg. 161 - 164

Anže Jurček

Édouard Louis (2018): The end of Eddy - Pg. 165 - 168


Seventh National Congress of Social Work: Humanism and ethics in social work - Pg. 169 - 178


Vera Grebenc

For critical research in social work - Pg. 3 - 4


Tjaša Žakelj, Martina Rameša

Employment of older people in Slovenia - Pg. 5 - 22Keywords: older employed, older unemployed, unemployment, labour market, workforce, aging

Economic growth and a growing demand for the labour force are reflected in a reduced number of unemployed and a declining unemployment rate. However, the increasing possibilities for employment are not equally distributed across demographic groups. Employers’ pragmatism and the deep-set stereotypes about age, are effecting the preference for younger candidates. Despite this, the prolonging working lives and the increasing percentage of the older workforce are introducing new challenges for the employers in sense of providing appropriate placement of the aging workforce in the work processes, adapting to their abilities and making use of the potentials in employment of older workers. The articles points to the challenges of recruiting the older jobseekers in time of prolonging working lives and increasing labour demand, based on the indicators of employment and unemployment, structural characteristics of older unemployed, and identification of the factors influencing the active aging of the workforce.

Vera Grebenc, Teja Bakše

Researching suicide attempt from users' perspective - Pg. 23 - 42Keywords: suicidology, suicide, social work, needs, ethnographic research, medicalization

Research of suicide is sensitive from the ethical and methodological point of view since suicide attempt involves a part of personal history, which is rarely publicly disclosed by the individual. Today, suicide is being written about and investigated primarily as a public health problem. This problem isn't much explored as a question of personal experience of an individual, or as a problem of the relevance of the professional response and forms of help that are available to survivors. A research based on an ethnographic research, involving people who survived suicide attempt, and professionals working with them, discovered that in a current society a process of individualisation of distress and suffering can be recognised. Discrepancies between needs of the survivors and the help they receive have been found. In Slovenia, after attempting suicide, assistance is carried out primarily in psychiatric hospitals, with an emphasis on the medication management of symptoms of mental problems. Survivors rarely are rarely offered help by social workers. Actually survivors did not seek help from social work, as they didn't recognize social workers as potential or relevant supporters. Although social work can and could offer knowledge, methods, and approaches to tackling mental distress that results from complex problems in people's daily lives, this aspect of assistance is completely overlooked in the system. In times of mental crises, survivors wish for easily accessible community interventions, for experts to respond to actual and specific needs and for more support and help in the environment where they live. Suicide prevention should include striving for social justice.

Bojan Popović

Implementation of the restraining order in case of violence against women in Kosovo - Pg. 43 - 56Keywords: legislation, domestic violence, penal code, police, patriarchal culture, EULEX

Author summarizes the development and the implementation of the restraining order in regard to intimate partner violence in Kosovo, where restraining order was first implemented through a UN regulation in 2003. When Kosovo was under UN protectorate and after declaring independence, the Domestic Violence Prevention Act was passed. The enforcement of practically the whole legal framework in Kosovo shows that the international recommendations and standards are carefully followed; however, the enforcement of the restraining order and the inter-institutional cooperation in Kosovo reveal that the measure is not sufficiently imposed. Based on the presentation of the legislative frameworks and the number of restraining orders in Slovenia and Kosovo in 2016, the article summarizes some of the reasons for the (non)implementation, and emphasizes the importance of the (co)operation of institutions, especially the police, center for social work and nongovernmental organizations as crucial actors in case of intimate partner violence. This strengthens the victim's trust in the functioning of the institutions. Author shows the relevance of the transfer of “best practices”, from international environment to post-conflict Kosovo, a country which is still a patriarchal environment, diminishing the possibility of implementing an institutional measure.


Jasna Murgel

Early treatment for children with special needs in Slovenia - Pg. 57 - 70Keywords: preschool children, disabilities, legislation, social security, social inclusion, developmental clinics

The prevailing model of early intervention for children with special needs in Slovenia is medical and focused only on child’s treatment, not on his family. To improve the treatment of children at risk, it is necessary to move towards a social or social pedagogical model. This should include multidisciplinary assistance for the whole family, which would be carried out by mutually coordinated stakeholders in the field of medical treatment, social protection and education. The act of 2017 rearranges the early intervention model for pre-school children with special needs. It prescribes the reinforcement of future centres for early treatment with social workers, who will be the link between early treatment centres and families and between centres for social work, kindergartens and other stakeholders dealing with the family. With the launch of the new law, a gradual transition to a more social model of the treatment of children with disabilities will be introduced in Slovenia. Parents will participate in a multidisciplinary team which will treat their child, the early intervention coordinator will provide parents with all the information on further assistance available, and treatment of children at their home is envisaged. The basis for the transition to a more social model is ensured by the law. To what extent this transition will actually occur, will depend on the implementation of the law in practice.


Darja Zaviršek

Understanding the holocaust trauma in social work - Pg. 71 - 78


Ivan Janko Cafuta

Centres for social work after reorganisation - Pg. 79 - 86


Tanja Buda

Darja Zaviršek: Skrb kot nasilje - Pg. 87 - 90


Index: Socialno delo, Year 57 (2018) - Pg. 91 - 93