
The manuscript should be delivered as a Word document. (Please use the in-built spell-checker to avoid typing and spelling errors.)

Headings should be numbered (1, 1.1, etc.) and they should not exceed two levels. 

Italics are used (sparingly) for emphasised text as well as for the titles of publications.

Do not use notes unless absolutely necessary. There should be no bibliographic notes (i.e. those with references as their main contents). Word's footnotes or endnotes are preferred, but if notes are added manually, they should be placed at the end of the manuscript (before the list of references) with note numbers in superscript. 

Graphic material should be numbered sequentially according to its type (Table 1, Table 2, Picture 1, Picture 2, etc.).

While tables should be inserted in the text, other graphics should be supplied as separate files, preferably in editable formats (such as Excel or Photoshop), or as PDF or TIFF documents (please provide high resolution). The name of a graphic file should match its type and number (e.g. Picture 1.pdf). 

Colours should not be used (only greyscale). 

Any text incorporated in a graphic should be copied in the manuscript. Additional text such as titles, sources, legends, etc., should be inserted in the manuscript at the appropriate places, not in graphic documents.